Additive Manufacturing revolution steadfastly disrupting the traditional manufacturing practices and industry. Andrew Lamb leading expert from Engineers Without Boarders is the key speaker at London 3D printers meetup on Tuesday 23rd July at Hub Westminster this week.
“Small-scale and local manufacturing has always been a key driver of development, and it has retained a fundamental role in the appropriate technology movement for decades. As additive manufacturing starts to take root in developing countries, is there a chance to leapfrog the centralised, industrial paradigm of development? It is early days, but this talk will give some examples of what is currently being explored by the aid sector, and what this might mean for supporting the growth of a more sustainable ‘circular economy’.”
It was a surprise to return to Elephant and Castle where I studied printing years ago at London College of Printing (LCP) now christened under a new assumed named London College of Communication (LCC).
This is aptly demonstrate the changes we are experiencing with technology transformed from the letterpress analog printing to a now digital reproduction methods of which we saw many examples at the Mini Maker Faire. The organisers did a fantastic job with many insightful workshop and variety of exhibitors to match. It did show the exuberant nature of the times we live in, the makers culture is hugely vibrant, teaming with new ideas.
I could safely say that every visitors from any age group and background, could find something memorable to go away with from the event.
Undoubtedly the makers community is set to grow massively over the coming decade, the 3D printing techniques which in itself is in a state of flux will have many more surprises in store for us. We are at the cutting edges of technology where we can touch science fiction for real, where replicators are not just a drummed up fantasy from the movie screens, but something you can help make and have hands in.
Thingmaker who runs one of the London fastest growing meetups related to 3d technology participated in the faire, with their incredible 3D Scan Booth in place, they had a queue of enthusiasts who wanted to experience the new scanning technology. The results then can be printed in mono or in Full colour as 3d figurines.
Managed to get down to DMY Berlin the day after the Axel Springer startup mentoring day. I was particularly interested to find out about 3d printing and designs.
DMY Berlin is an international design network for contemporary product design. At the yearly DMY International Design Festival Berlin both renowned and young, experimental designers launch new products, prototypes and foresighted projects. The exhibition is accompanied by a wide program of symposia, designer-talks and workshops, able to reflect current topics of contemporary design and to reveal necessary future trends of design and its related disciplines.
See a review which highlights a massive polish presence at the show by
Over 500 designers showcase pioneering products, prototypes and material innovation in the aviation hangars. This years country focus was dedicated to the design habits of Poland. There are over 40 showcases by Polishdesigners and creative entrepreneurs.
The most interesting Polish project were the taborets from
Przemek Ostrzewski. The plus stool which is a single
piece consisting of 3 parts which can be easily combined. Ribbon from Jan Lutryk made the approach affect in which the material gave it form. Made into his innovation technology is the Oskars
In exhibitions we have been seeing the new talents section highlights experimental and forward thinking works
of the young designers. Students made some special workshops for visitors and were showed how to make designed for them products. The Luas group form made the Junctions exhibition. For example they taught how to make
a smartphone from recycling paper bags. The Tabanda group enabled through prototypes their chair “diago”.
To assist in helping the designers with their creations, new ideas companies helped with 3d printers. It presented the groups with new opportunities and materials. For example in DMY, we could see new solutions with the use of these materials.
I am always interested in wood designs. Amazing works from Elisas Stroyzk carpet,, were presented with geometric pieces which are laser-cut by hand and then bonded to a textile backing. Woodglasses were also available from Paolo, Stool “Uff” made Cecilia Alvarez Fernandez from Balbuena. “Uff”like saying: what a relief. It is designed for use in gardens, at patios or playgrounds. It can also be used indoors.
As major startup centers in Europe jostle for prominence, from London, Berlin, Paris, Dublin to Barcelona, we see great events regularly filling our calendars. Each cities have their own intrinsic qualities some are younger and hyper in their approach like Berlin. Whilst London being the largest with the greatest number of startups, that can boast diversity and creativity matched by none. We also see refreshing alliances with LeWeb, websummit and Next events rotating across different cities.
An acceleration of innovation come in many shapes and forms, its the explosion of activities in mobiles, internet of things and 3d printing is transforming the scene and will continue to do so for the future.
Each city operates in their own eco system, often with matching silicon alleys, valleys and roundabouts. A rainbow of accelerators, incubators and hubs are formenting within them to attract investor and entrepreneurs. A melting pot of connections and cross breeding unfolds. This is where European diversity cause of hindrance to its speed in progress becomes an advantage over the US monopolistic prominence, However in order to make it a reality and take full advantage, it has to be coupled with favorable legislature to provide the necessary infrastructure and tax policies to make it a fertile ground for growth with schemes such as UK S/EIS we are getting a step closer to that goal, still more needs to be done particularly for ones looking for bigger rounds to make it a more attractive proposition
Let me present you with
Theophil Haberstroh interview by Christian Boas
Theophil Haberstroh is a freelance business developer, specialized in helping French digital companies to enter and develop the German market.
He is French-German, was born in Germany, and studied Economics at the Universität Mannheim and Entrepreneurship at HEC Paris, where he holds a Masters Degree (2010). He worked two years for Groupon, where he was Online Marketing Manager and Business Developer.
In his free time he trains for ultra runs, goes to contemporary art exhibitions and plays the trumpet. He is also an active member of the DCFA.
CB: What is the DFCA ?
TH: The DCFA (Digital Club Franco-Allemand), is a business club for French and
Germans who work in the digital industry and who want to promote the
exchanges between the two countries. We are a non-profit organization. Our
aim is to become a single point of contact for everyone who is looking to
expand in the respective digital market. We provide quick answers to the
questions someone can have, information and contacts.
CB: Do you see potential for doing something similar like this with the uk, or
does even infact a group like that exist ?
TH: We created this club, as we all have a special link to Germany and France.
This is why we started with those two countries. Nevertheless, we consider
ourselves European and are open to work together with other groups that
promote the link in the digital economy between two countries.
CB: What do you believe the French and Germans have profited most from each
other cooperating ?
TH: Going international allows companies to be more open minded and to be
actually present in the respective country. This allows to work and live
with the neighbor on a daily basis and acquire knowledge, that a local
competitor can’t acquire. This is especially true for French German
cooperation’s, as those countries are among the biggest in Europe and as the
history of both is closely linked.
CB: Anything the British could learn from your group ? Can they join as well ?
TH: Our group is for people who are interested in France and Germany, so
British could also join! They can learn from our group that we need to
communicate more between the countries within Europe, and we would love to
have members that are French, German, and British!
TH: What would you like to happen in the future with your group ?
We would like to organize more events like we did at the NEXT Conference,
in order to create awareness at different levels. It is time to have an
active French-German & European ecosystem and to communicate more between
the countries.
Not long ago I was lucky to get my first taste of Leap Motion a device for new ways to interact with computers, it is a gestural sensor that responds to your hands movements, unlike other devices out there like Kinnect it can detect and track the trajectory of each fingers as independent movements in 3d space, is essentially like having a cubic multitouch screen in front of you.
It is a bold first attempt from the brilliant developers at leap motion to come up with such an ingenious gadget. It is rightly compared to a minority report although it is in many ways more superior as it does not rely on wearing any input gloves, waving ones hands and fingers is the air infront of a tiny device is sufficient to elicit interactions. It is all open on how we decide to use these devices meanwhile a new vocabulary of gestures are being cooked up as we speak.
It is likely to be the beginning of the end of the mouse and keyboard as our main modes of inputs. Perhaps there will be a combination, this leap may take us to new territories where coupled with mind control and advanced gestures detections we would do away with mouse and keyboards for good. Unwrapping of the leap motion was a supera-scifi experience, excitement was of discovering an alien device then trying to figure out how to use it.
My body is mine, no one else and is not a source of anyone’s honour
Liebe Freunde,
ich möchte Euch herzlich einladen zu einer Ausstellung mit Werken von zwei iranischen Künstlern: POONEH und Hercules Fisherman.
Vernissage Samstag, 20.04.2013, 18 Uhr
Einführung: Gisela Pook
Pooneh wurde 1971 in Teheran geboren und erwarb 1998 den Master of Arts in Painting am College of Arts, Azad University in Teheran. Zu ihren Auszeichnungen zählen der Honorary Award for Painting (Los Angeles, USA) und das Certificate of Best of Show Awards, World Contemporary Art (Los Angeles, USA). Sie organisierte 2007 das erste International Painting Symposium in Teheran und ist in Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen vertreten, im Iran, in Ungarn, den USA, Frankreich und der Schweiz. 2008 stellte sie erstmals in Konstanz aus.
Leider gab es Probleme mit den Einladungskarten, so dass ich jetzt nur den Text per Mail schicken kann:
Ausstellung 21.04. – 01.05.2013
Kulturzentrum am Münster, Gewölbekeller
Wessenbergstraße 43, 78462 Konstanz
Öffnungszeiten: Di – Fr 10 – 18 Uhr, Sa + So 10 – 17 Uhr
Veranstaltet vom Kulturbüro Konstanz, Tel. 07531 900 900
Man signing a heart with a green band – a piece in dedication to Iranian Green Movement and their struggle for freedom and democracy
Hercules Fisherman ist vielfältig kreativ und unternehmerisch tätig, als Künstler, Herausgeber, Experte für Business Intelligence und Unternehmer im Bereich Medien und Kommunikationsdesign. Künstlerisch arbeitet er mit den Mitteln der Bildhauerei, Malerei, Installation und Performance. Seine Werke waren bei zahlreichen Ausstellungen und Kunstevents vertreten, in Barcelona, Arthouse in Irland, Edinburgh Festival, Riverside Studios in London und in privaten Sammlungen weltweit.
From mythological stories of the ancient we hear stories of mortal heros who are taken to task by mighty deities to labors ranging in physical and mental extremes.
Unchain finds its root in humanities struggle to come to term with own existence and to find a path to freedom.
This exhibition explores conflicts that arise under suppression of all kinds, the desire to free our selves from troubling boundaries that make our life unbearable, the strong need to “unchain” remains central theme.
To free ourselves from perils of poverty and hunger, of torture and terror being perpetrated daily.
However our strength today remains social, it is through the Internet, technology and social network that the activists are able to employing their antidote to the dictatorial tyrannies, to promote democracy and to promote of human rights in places where it was not possible in the past.
Unchain dedicates this exhibition to “Amina” in a world that a single act of brevity has sparked such passionate debate about the issues surrounding plight of women across the world, in many places patriarchal and gender apartheid are practiced with impunity. Unchain supports Femen call for action to Free Amina and other women like her under treat of terror.
For the occasion of this show Hercules Fisherman has built an augmented reality app as a gallery guide to this exhibition, which would allow users to interact with the works on display through their mobile devices, the system will provide facility to get more information on the work and incorporate many advanced features.
Hercules Fisherman named as
The NEXT 100 Top Influencers
of the Digital Industry in 2013
With 35 plus categories, 1000 entries, over 150.000 votes cast only for the People´s Choice and more than 1,000 guests, this years The Europas was anticipated as a highlight of the European tech scene, getting 2013 off to a good start. Unlike the digital industry, award ceremonies are, however, not a numbers game. Were The Europas able to deliver on its great promise?
“When you hear the word ‘Disruption’, take a swing” was the cheeky welcome message from Paddy Cosgrave, co-founder of The Europas, when he took the centre stage at Postbahnhof in Berlin last night. The tone was set for an evening of cheerful celebration in an industry of misfits, rebels and troublemakers, who Steve Jobs rightfully could have named “The Crazy Ones”.
Geekiness is finally attractive in both
women and men;
a turn-on trait in fact!
The upside
Giving the dispersed European tech scene a chance to get together, to recognize the people pushing the industry forward, is a desirable manifestation to show off the high quality of innovation taking place in Europe right now. Not only does it provide significant benchmarks it also functions as an important marketing platform, which will keep the industry busy in times of recession.
The Europas should be praised for this bold and ambitious initiative, as it furthermore provides an opportunity for business angels, venture capitalists, budding start-uppers, seasoned entrepreneurs and media to rub shoulders and share ideas over free drinks. Even Mike Butcher, the European Editor of TechCrunch was attending. Your best chance rubbing shoulders with him was, however, to stand next to his cut-out shape at the front door.
More initiatives like The Europas are definitely needed if the European tech scene has the ambition to provide a viable alternative to the global tech hub of Silicon Valley. On a personal level, it was clear that the nominees and winners were excited about the event too. One quick glance at The Europas hashtag on Twitter clearly displays that. After winning the prize for Best Advertising or Marketing Tech Start-up, Jan Razeen, CEO of Socialbakers, for instance announced on his Twitter: “I am having the best working day of my life!”
Fishermans Friends´ table ratio
was inverse of the general trend,
and populated by 75% female to men.
The downside
But enough of the niceties; The Europas themselves declares that they are “not about backslapping”.
First and foremost, it is possibly the most homogeneous good-looking group of people seen in Berlin in a long time; trimmed, well-dressed Caucasian males in prime – ALL of them! But where were the women and the Grey Gold? The eldest person seen must have been Ben Rooney from the Wall Street Journal, who received the prize for Best Tech Journalist of the Year. But where were the heavyweight investors and the serial-entrepreneurial elders with their deep perspectives? Had they sent their young, hungry and handsome protégés, or is the tech industry still in its infancy, and thus dominated by a new generation of start-up hipsters.
Where are the Women?
You would almost have to be a “Where´s Wally”-pro to spot a woman in the room. But for our part we did our best to address the gender imbalance at The Europas. Fishermans Friends´ table ratio was inverse of the general trend, and populated by 75% female to men.
If we however, consider diversity a business tool, it is pertinent to question the endurance of the European tech scene (-and the quality of future parties), if this imbalance is not corrected. One has to ask, not because gender balance is pleasant, but because it makes good business sense to do so. When we know that at least 50% of the online customers are women, why are 95% of the guests at the Europas men?
organized by the Irish and
executed in Berlin with
an Eastern-European slant,
it goes without saying what
priorities would come first.
There is clearly an untapped market waiting to be explored here, and Berlin is off to a good start with initiatives like the Berlin Geekettes. People visiting Berlin are often surprised to see so many girls about on the tech-scene, hacking along in tech cafes and co-working spaces. It is a welcome development that we now have shed the negative image of the geek guys as spotty pizza eating beer-guzzling Neanderthals. Geekiness is finally attractive in both women and men; a turn-on trait in fact!
“Where the f*** is the food”
No ‘sausage fest’ without at least a little mentioning of the catering.
Considering this event was organized by the Irish and executed in Berlin with an Eastern-European slant, it goes without saying what priorities would come first. No matter at the party, pre-party and after-party copious amount of spirits, wine and beer was consumed. The food element was however, more of a symbolic gesture, with strange bubble padded blue tokens adding an element of fun. The 6 Euro denominations on them were definitely hilarious, to say it the least.
But not all people found the lack of food entertaining. Ex-Googler Anil Hanshjee on his Twitter even went as far as to declare, “Worst organised awards I’ve ever been 2. Where the f*** is the food. Glad I did not pay for my ticket. Sorry. Honest feedback”.
Why do I need to mention this? We were not there for the food and free drinks. We were there to celebrate and network. Unfortunately, the 35+ categories were quite simply too many to squeeze in. The content was therefore too compromised, to make it an enjoyable evening for the guests. Luckily there were lessons learned in start-ups agile methodology tradition. Next time round the organisers will have to make a harder swing to ensure that The Europas will become the ‘Disruption’ it deserves to be.
We build tech that encourages shoppers to start their journey towards a weekly supermarket shop by engaging with web & mobile apps (and content) centred on food, wellness, beauty & parenting. As they interact we’re able to gauge their consumer profiles and their purchasing intent, then help brands & retailers to influence their habits & purchases.
Lectrio is the next-generation online learning environment. It’s a new way to engage with students and efficiently share course materials.
Lectrio will ideally fit the needs of individual tutors and small-medium size educational organisations. It is offered for free to educators around the world to increase a classroom engagement. And as LMS-as-a-Service with cost-effective monthly subscription plans for ed companies. Lectrio give them their own cloud-based E-Learning environment that is customisable to their own brand.
Not to mention, Lectrio is very easy to use and mobile-friendly.
Ginicam is an interactive digital broadcast platform that utilises our patented HD video streaming technology called Gininet. Ginicam provides a solution for content producers and e-service providers to monetise their broadcasts in real time. Content can be delivered through 1:1 communication, 1: many and on-demand. Corporations can use the Ginicam technology for their internal and external communications. Ginicam is free to use. However, a commission of up to 15% is automatically deducted on commercial transactions conducted via Ginicam and Gininet, using the Gini currency.
Fizzback (Nice Systems)
Fizzback is the leading software provider for Real-Time Customer Feedback and Customer Experience Management (CEM) resulting in increased customer loyalty
GiniCam Foodity
We build tech that encourages shoppers to start their journey towards a weekly supermarket shop by engaging with web & mobile apps (and content) centred on food, wellness, beauty & parenting. As they interact we’re able to gauge their consumer profiles and their purchasing intent, then help brands & retailers to influence their habits & purchases.
Lectrio is the next-generation online learning environment. It’s a new way to engage with students and efficiently share course materials.
Lectrio will ideally fit the needs of individual tutors and small-medium size educational organisations. It is offered for free to educators around the world to increase a classroom engagement. And as LMS-as-a-Service with cost-effective monthly subscription plans for ed companies. Lectrio give them their own cloud-based E-Learning environment that is customisable to their own brand.
Not to mention, Lectrio is very easy to use and mobile-friendly.
Ginicam is an interactive digital broadcast platform that utilises our patented HD video streaming technology called Gininet. Ginicam provides a solution for content producers and e-service providers to monetise their broadcasts in real time. Content can be delivered through 1:1 communication, 1: many and on-demand. Corporations can use the Ginicam technology for their internal and external communications. Ginicam is free to use. However, a commission of up to 15% is automatically deducted on commercial transactions conducted via Ginicam and Gininet, using the Gini currency.
Fizzback (Nice Systems)
Fizzback is the leading software provider for Real-Time Customer Feedback and Customer Experience Management (CEM) resulting in increased customer loyalty