- Body Electric official issue exhibition poster http://lnkd.in/ATbSp7 #
- Herx.org Press Room http://lnkd.in/gU74J2 #
Official artist for “the biggest networking event of the year”
Hercules Fisherman, painter, technologist and entrepreneur has been assigned as official artist for “the biggest networking event of the year” – http://www.thebiggestnetworkingnightoftheyear.com , he will be drawing at the venue in his stunning technique, executed in traditional Chinese inks and brushes on handmade rice paper. A collection of the drawing produced will be published in a special booklet along with limited edition fine-art prints to commemorate the occasion.
Hercules has an upcoming exhibition later this month starting on 25th Oct at Leicester Sq. WC2H 7BP full details available on this site.
You’re invited to join us in London for the most powerful networking night in UK history!
Join over 300 of the brightest and most connected business professionals from the UK and around the world for “The Biggest Networking Night Of The Year” London on October 7, 2010 at Boujis, 43 Thurloe Street, London SW7 2LQ, 6pm to 10pm, http://www.boujis.com . Courtesy hors d’oeuvres, discounted drinks, and endless networking. Brought to you by MoodTyme Events, “Celebrating 1 Year Of Connecting The World”. Feel free to send us connection invites (Germaine Moody, organizer/host, gkmceo@yahoo.com, and Jeremy Peterson, jp@moodtymeevents.com)
If you haven’t Pre-Registered but would like to, visit our site below:
For all details visit our invite link below, click “Attending” if joining us:
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-03
- Interesting article. http://bit.ly/ax3SKX #
- updated link http://bit.ly/bodyelectric for Body Electric event on my Facebook http://lnkd.in/zW7hkQ #
- Business of art is still going strong after over 100 years with Gauguin drawing record bookings at the Tate. Some of his paintings amongst … #
- I have uploaded new pictures on making Body Electric http://bit.ly/herx-atwork #bodyelectric #hercules #art #drawing #fineart #
- Take a sad idea and make it better from earlier this year http://lnkd.in/s8W7kx #
- I have been appointed the official artist for "the biggest netwroking event of the year" – http://lnkd.in/tP8qsw,
it is a good boost for m… #
Special Offer Silk Wall Hanging

Flying Angel by Hercules Fisherman – Is printed in a very limited edition as part of Body Electric exhibition commemorative issue, signed and numbered individually. Hand finished in silk traditional Chinese wall hanging style. Delivered in a matching box set. Includes exhibitions copy of the “I sing the Body Electric” poem by Walt Whitman.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-26
- Harvey Nash 10 Years in VietNam Celebration
http://lnkd.in/qezqkH # - started a new facebook covering Body Electric show http://lnkd.in/zW7hkQ time to port old friends over #
- I'm going to a Meetup with MiniBar! http://meetup.com/u/hg5 #
- The Text Analytics Pros Daily is out! http://bit.ly/agLIpL ▸ Top stories today by @Engage121 @sysomos @SocialNetDaily #
- here at Minibar going through the presentations by CloudeMade apis to use tags to locate friends on the map cool #
- cloudemade offering facilities to include map enabled sites easily http://developer.cloudemade.com #
- http://www.digitalshoreditch.com presenting at #minibare promoting the next coming festival #
- Jos Rutamu from http://eveex.com/beta/ means to ease finding products online #
- next on is presenting golightly ways of enabling virtual machines talk to each other at #minibar #
- i am also presenting shortly so stay tuned for a quick presentation #
- http://www.riseart.com promoting artists online #
- Apple, Adobe, Google, Intel Intuit and Pixar: now free to cold call each other's employees http://ow.ly/199ykf V @svartling #
- Did a presentation Fri eve on Body Electric at #minibar to over 250 invitees who were more fixated on the work than my talk-which is good #
- Check out my slideshow related to Body Electric show http://tripwow.tripadvisor.com/tripwow/ta-00a2-bc0c-796b?tw #
- tripwow was worth a quick try, suites quick slideshows needs a bit more customisation to suite my purpose better #
- Sparknotes: Analysis of Whitman's "I Sing the body Electric" poem http://lnkd.in/q9AVgV #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-19
- visiting Ho Chi Min as part of UK trade delegates sponsored by #harveynash 10th years anniversary in Vietnam #
- part of UK trade mission visiting in Ho Chi Minh city this week http://twitpic.com/2of8ae #
- Body Electric exhibition coming soon http://lnkd.in/W7j8-V http://lnkd.in/G23s8c #
- Call for Java and Flex developers at Fizzback in London, United… http://lnkd.in/F3Eape #