Hercules Fisherman interview by Tuesday le Roux at EcoxAfrica Africa’s Most Famous Blockchain Networking Event those interested in participating or helping with Our Wonderful Culture or inqub8r.com Special thanks to Jorge , Tuesday, organisers, speakers and SJ Global Investments, and all who have supported Our Wonderful Culture and Inqub8r throughout these times. There will be residencies and funding through both projects and proposals from artists and Startups are being considered please send your interest to hello@inqub8r.com
for further info also please follow
Live auction
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Numbi Auction
with Hercules Fisherman and Friends
The works are donated by Numbi group of artist
???Donated to funds to help Numbi create the first Somali Museum and archive in England to showcase 400 years of Somail history in this country. Be in to win these orgianal art works and prints by the group of artist associated with Numbi group
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Auction of works by Sue Tilley
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Hercules Fisherman and Friends: LIVE! 17 April
Fri 17 Apr 2020 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Online, Zoom
Social distancing getting you down? Feeling trapped inside your home? Bursting with unused creative energy? Does your cat wish you’d just leave?
We have a solution for you!
Come see some amazing people to support some great causes at:
Hercules Fisherman and Friends: LIVE!
Every week we will put together a lineup of poets, artists, actors, mucisians, ventriliquists, you name it, to showcase on ZOOM every Friday at 7:30pm.
Tickets are available here free of charge, but with an optional donation. Your ticket will include a link to the ZOOM meeting.
Proceeds will go to East London Mosque Foodbank, XR UK and performers, all of whom have seen their funding dry up in these difficult times.
In order to raise funds for the above causes we are also be raffling of paintings by Hercules Fisherman, which are drawn live on the night! Portraits from previous nights are displayed.
SPECIAL GUEST: Jessica Winters
Art Auction for the Homeless Tower Fire
This group is set up to help the homeless from the Grenfell Tower fire, we are calling upon artists to donate works for the auction; for now, you could pledge a work and register your interests in helping. The plan is to have an art auction with the proceeds to go to the Homeless from the Grenfell Tower fire.
We will be discussing plans for the auction, which we would like to hold as soon as possible – so getting galleries and auction houses interested would be good.
Do please make suggestions and how you could help either as a volunteer or donating works for the auction or both. It is likely that we would work through one of the charities heavily involved already.
so far the list of contributing artist that have pledged works, listed works or already have sent works as follows
Gilbert and George
Stay tuned for more details
Mark Wardle
Bowie ‘Gold Flash Aladdin’ life mask sculpture by Mark Wardel 2017
hand signed and dated on interior
Hercules Fisherman
London Cityscape view over Canary Wharf
Sumi Brush and Ink on Canvas
Desdemona Varon
by Desdemona Varon
Stuart Ridley
Kirsty Harris
Archival giclee print (edition of 50)
A4 (unframed)
Website www.kirstyharris.com
Twitter: @KirstHarrisArt
Daniel Hooper
Socially Divided
An ironic look at society today ….
Kim Appleyard
Jonathan Wright
Jessica Bailey
Pete Mountford
Medium: Acrylic, crayon on canvas
Size: H 27 cm X W 60 cm
Date 2007
Jonty Hurwitz
Date: 2017
Medium: Resin, Plaster and Steel
Size: 35d x 25w x 50h cm
Website: http://www.jonty.art/yoda-and-the-anamorph
My site: www.jonty.art
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jontyhurwitzart/
Instagram: @JontyHurwitz
Profile: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonty_Hurwitz
Annie Zamero
Christopher Clack
Jude Cowan Montague (Montague Armstrong)
Date: 2013
Medium: Monoprint 100 x 70cm (unmounted)
Debbie Elliot
Jennifer Binnie

Pernille F. N Fraser
pledges awaiting submission
Sumi cityscape painting & calligraphy
London Landmarks & cityscapes
at the penthouse view overlooking London most iconic landmarks such as Canary Wharf and London 02
Workshop for Chinese calligraphy
And Sumi Cityscape painting
Tutored by native Chinese artist and calligrapher Sun Yi
& Hercules Fisherman professional painter and artist that has worked in the far east, Japan, China, Vietnam, and Thailand learning Traditional Sumi painting and techniques.
This first class is free, donations welcome
Paper and drawing material brushes available or bring your own
Class will run from 1-5 pm
the place has stunning views over the Thames river and overlooking the London cityscape, photographers are also welcome.
9th Floor, Anchorage House, 2 Clove Crescent, E14 2BE London, United Kingdom
3D Scan and Draw
3DScan and Draw
We have a special trat
This is a life drawing session with a twist that includes 3D scanning and 3D printing along side.
Each attendee will have a chance to be 3D scanned for free as part of the participation at the workshop with Scanners provided and sponsored by 3DScanbot.
We will choose a pose by the model to 3DScan and to be able to compare the drawing and the digital model.
There will be an option to get the 3dprint of the model or order the bust of yourself at the event.
Free tea/ coffee and biscuit
occasionally wine and nibbles occasionally
3d printers available on the evening.
Every Monday at Trampery
The Trampery Republic
9th Floor, Anchorage House, 2 Clove Crescent, E14 2BE London, United Kingdom
Monday 3rd July
It will cost £10 for the session
Conc £7
We hope to see you there on Mondays
please book

5 — 21 May 2017

Hercules Fisherman
Sumi Live Paintings and Workshops
Hercules will be exhibiting his work and will be painting live by appointment — in his distinct and special pop-up atelier style drawing traditional Sumi Painting — using his much-loved Ironing Board support which he has chosen and pioneered as an ideal adjustable worktop surface on which to create artwork. This will be booked by appointment in Square Gallery London.
Hercules will also be doing popup live paintings across the festival at different indoor and outdoor venues.
Hercules Fisherman is a multimedia visual artist, exhibition and event originator and presenter, publisher and technologist. All-around and adventurous creator and entrepreneur.
Check back daily during the festival for details.
Square Gallery London
9b Battersea Square SW11 3RA
8th May 2017 to 10th May 2017 12.00PM to 9.00PM
Doddington & Rollo Community Roof Garden
Charlotte Despard Avenue SW11 5HD
5th May 2017 to 19th May 2017 9.30AM to 5.30PM

Universe of Eternal Nothingness
Anselm Kiefer – Walhalla
Upon entering the White Cube, visitors are filed into the show, where security hands them a warning letter; a disclaimer that they enter at their own risk. It is a gateway to another dimension; everything is in a solid state — even the air, the void is thick with lead. Anselm Kiefer’s prophetic vision of the cataclysmic future, the Trumpian mentality triumphing over reason, with its futile exertion to accumulate stockpiles of golden nuggets; in this place, such concepts becomes meaningless as is life and death or good and evil.
a warning letter; a disclaimer that they enter at their own risk. It is a gateway to another dimension;
In some nooks and crannies, the gold may shine, interspersed amongst debris leftovers from the apocalypse. There is no one to value it or mine it for any purpose. The family is in a room, with the couples on the “Kingsize bed” congealed into a big molten blob, their soul frozen in mid-flight, there is no heaven to escape to, the angels’ wings are feeble. Their children and pets turned into cute little boulders. Here, is devoid of time-dimension, all eerily stand still.
the couples on the “Kingsize bed” congealed into a big molten blob, their soul frozen in mid-flight there is no heaven
In the archival vault, a dense atmosphere is entombed. The total sum of knowledge, science, history, and art; pulverised to smithereens.
Maybe noticeable is the protruding barrel of a machine gun made from some exotic material spared destruction; it stands out looking shiny and new. An ineffectual instrument of death, that has lost its purpose, with no one left to operate it, kill or train upon. Its archivist aptly labelled it “Nothing”, so thus only a whimsical relic.
The crafty serpent (The Devil) – is no more In this universe
Here, the “Garden of Eden” has been turned on its head, the “Apple Tree” phosphorised to ashen white, with all its branches dry, no fruits or leaves, barren to its roots. The crafty serpent, (The Devil), is no more. In this universe, there is no place for playful Biblical interactions. The dark angel drained of all its cunningness turned into a rusty mush suspended in a state of eternal boxed nothingness.
White Cube – Bermondsey, 144 – 152 Bermondsey Street London SE1 3TQ