Disrupting the Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing revolution steadfastly disrupting the traditional manufacturing practices and industry.  Andrew Lamb leading expert from Engineers Without Boarders is the key speaker at London 3D printers meetup on Tuesday 23rd July at Hub Westminster this week. “Small-scale and local manufacturing has always been a key driver of development, and it has retained a fundamental …


Managed to get down to DMY Berlin the day after the Axel Springer startup mentoring day. I was particularly interested to find out about 3d printing and designs. DMY Berlin is an international design network for contemporary product design. At the yearly DMY International Design Festival Berlin both renowned and young, experimental designers launch new …

NextBerlin – European ecosystem

As major startup centers in Europe jostle for prominence, from London, Berlin, Paris, Dublin to Barcelona, we see great events regularly filling our calendars. Each cities have their own intrinsic qualities some are younger and hyper in their approach like Berlin. Whilst London being the largest with the greatest number of startups, that can boast …

NextBerlin – RTSPediA

RTSPediA an exclusive interview by Charbax the international Video-blogger extraordinaire at NextBerlin Shazam for all things visual Demo of our close beta by Hercules Fisherman please sign up here The NEXT 100 Top Influencers of the Digital Industry in 2013    


An Ehibition of works by Hercules Fisherman and guest artist Pooneh Liebe Freunde, ich möchte Euch herzlich einladen zu einer Ausstellung mit Werken von zwei iranischen Künstlern: POONEH und Hercules Fisherman.   Unchain   Vernissage Samstag, 20.04.2013, 18 Uhr Einführung: Gisela Pook Pooneh wurde 1971 in Teheran geboren und erwarb 1998 den Master of Arts …

Europas nominations

Fizzback              Lectrio GiniCam             Foodity   We build tech that encourages shoppers to start their journey towards a weekly supermarket shop by engaging with web & mobile apps (and content) centred on food, wellness, beauty & parenting. As they interact we’re able to gauge their consumer profiles and their purchasing intent, then help brands …