A game to save the world
by Team Coffee
José Miguel Velasco, Rico Possienka and Hercules Fisherman
Campus Party #campusjam
we choose “Growth” and “Plant” as our starting theme.
our aim was to create an engaging sim game where user grows biofuel, Jatropha is a plant that promises to solve some of the world energy problems cleanly with plenty of ecological benefits to the environment naturally and effectively.
The game is played in the virtual world, but its ultimate goal is to help fund for farmers to enable them afford plantations that in the long run would benefit everyone involved.
The game can work on many level by encouraging sponsorship from companies and individuals interested in sustainability.
The user can gain points for purchasing green products.
try the game here http://tiny.cc/jatrobot
Development progress: we managed to create the base structure of the game, in the future iterations we hope to add robots, other user experience enhancing features.