I came across a new kind of paint application, while mentoring at Seedcamp this year. Psykopaint from a new startup brand, headed up by mad captain Mathiu Gosselin of Psykosoft . Quite an achievement, I thought, from pretty much a sole developer. It is a paint application for the technically and artistically challenged, chancing their hand as budding even as skilled artists!
Initially looking at the demo presentation, one gets an impression that it is a kind of Photoshop filter but playing around, it proves to be much more dimensional. It is an ideal tool for the talentless artist brought up under the sterile regimes of current art school systems, especially those who saw it fit to ditch drawing lessons for classes in conceptual theory giving way to the creation and appreciation of pickled cows.
It is your chance to impress everyone by creating striking imagery in all manner of bygone artistic styles. There is the opportunity to entertain diverse styles from Impressionism, Expressionism, Abstraction to Cubism. You become an experimental painter without having to ever lift an actual brush or having to throw buckets of colourful concoctions at a single canvas. It is surgically clean even when the outcome ends up much like a chaotic Pollock’s.
Let lose your creative Dada spirit and trust in automatons to lead the way: chances are that, you will end up pleasantly surprised at, well, your “creation”.