Strictly Illigal – John Weiners poems with works by Gilbert & George

John Wieners (US, 1934-2002) – Strictly Illegal Poems “Strictly Illegal” is a collection of previously uncollected works by the American lyric poet John Wieners (1934-2002) compiled by Patricia Hope Scanlan. Wieners lived for his poetry and in Strictly Illegal in a fascinating Introduction, Jeremy Reed talks of this ‘outlaw poet’ who was ‘acutely damaged, lyrically …

Étant donnés: Duchamps final “body electric” with an illuminating message.

Art is commodified for it is no longer about the work, it is sold as an idea or a concept in nuances of a market. What it purports to  centrally is its potential for an investment, favorite trends and media exposure.  It is the marketing drive that matters more than the quality or content. Works …

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-03

Interesting article. # updated link for Body Electric event on my Facebook # Business of art is still going strong after over 100 years with Gauguin drawing record bookings at the Tate. Some of his paintings amongst … # I have uploaded new pictures on making Body Electric #bodyelectric #hercules #art …

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-26

Harvey Nash 10 Years in VietNam Celebration # started a new facebook covering Body Electric show time to port old friends over # I'm going to a Meetup with MiniBar! # The Text Analytics Pros Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today by @Engage121 @sysomos @SocialNetDaily # here at Minibar going …

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-19

visiting Ho Chi Min as part of UK trade delegates sponsored by #harveynash 10th years anniversary in Vietnam # part of UK trade mission visiting in Ho Chi Minh city this week # Body Electric exhibition coming soon # Call for Java and Flex developers at Fizzback in London, United… #